Monday, February 7, 2011

STILL in search of a good Gardening Program

I saw a tweet from (who knows) about a newspaper article in the Columbus Dispatch talking about how gardening has 'gone' high tech...which made me think that the person writing the article must NOT be a gardener.  If they were, they'd have known that this was a revolution, as well as a revelation, that began several years ago.  We gardeners have used computer programs to help us map our gardens for years..granted, we usually had to use a basic CAD or paint-type program, and the programs are much more advanced than that now, but it's not something that has just happened overnight, as this article makes it sound.

a pot of my Lemon and Thai Basil in 2010...aren't they beautiful??
mmmmand smell divine!

I, for one, am still on the hunt.  I dug up a program (well, 3 different programs actually) that I use to have, one I'd never opened before.  But they're all old, one is a Landscaping prrogram, and two are CAD programs, all of which are too old for my 2011 computer, and there were no updates available for them. ughhh!  luckily, on my other blog, Thrifty and Frugal, a company has asked me to review THEIR garden program.  It has an annual fee, to which they're waiving for me for the duration of the review...we'll see if it's something I like.  Stay tuned for my review of it, I'll post it on both sites for all to see.  I should be able to access the version tonight or tomorrow...I'm optimistic with my fingers crossed, lol.


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