PR Friendly...
Lavender Cove's email is:
You can find me on Facebook, as well...feel free to send me a 'friend' request, just put that you saw me on my blog in the message along with your request (or else, I might think you're a stalker or a creeper and click 'ignore request' and we wouldn't want that, lol)Lavender Cove would be happy to entertain PR consideration. I actively conduct product reviews and giveaways on my other blog, Thrifty and Frugal by Debbie, and have worked with many major companies. Lavender Cove is geared toward gardening and crafts, family outtings and such, so if you have a product/site/service that you would like me to consider for review and/or giveaway on either site, Lavender Cove included, please feel free to email me at
If you would like to see previous and/or current product/site reviews, please visit my active, and much more popular blog, Thrifty and Frugal by Debbie, for examples of my work.
Feel free to email me any time, for any reason...whether it's just to say 'hi,' that you like (or don't like) my blog, to share a gardening or decorating story/tip, or a craft idea, etc., or to share a story with me, I always LOVE hearing from you. Lavender Cove's email is:
Debbie Hewitt