Thursday, April 15, 2010

A garden update...

First off...we worked on my garden from sun-up to sun-down Sat and Sun both and then we were hit with a nasty neighbor issue. He has given us nothing but problems since we moved in, we don't have to mind our business because he'll mind our business FOR us, lol. He decided that the corner of our property is not ours, it is considered 'common ground' to the subdivision, and as such, everyone in the sub has to agree that we can do this and he doesn't, therefore we can't do it. He's correct, it is concidered 'common ground' to our subdivision, however, there is no way anyone can get to this piece of property unless they trespass on our property, therefore it isn't considered 'common' because it doesn't have 'common' access and cannot be used for any 'common' purpose. It's basically not property that people in the sub are encouraged to utilize, it's a short stip or property that's attached to ours that runs the length our our property back to the only power line & pole in our subdivision, as our electric lines run underground. SO, attornies are advising that we ignore him and the city, as the city has no authority or jurisdiction over this piece of property or the garden we installed on it or the fence we're putting up around the garden (the fence is not a boundary protector, but landscaping and to keep the deer from eating my mators, lol)...especially considering we have less then 9 months and we can actually legally claim that strip of property based on Missouri law, which we'll do. I was advised to begin planting ASAP, which I did tonight with my onion sets, so that if they do decide to do something, a simple restraining order will stop it, and to make sure we get the garden up ASAP, as well, just in case they change the ordinance in an attempt to stop us, at which time the fence will have to be 'grandfathered' in...*sigh* soooooooooooooo, at the beginning of the week I was so upset, I was in tears. I thought for sure I was finally going to get my garden, then the a$$ decided to start his crap yet again, and we were giong to have to move the garden...which I knew would take my hubs another 2 yrs to get done, meaning I wouldn't have my garden. But then the attornies are basically saying, 'call their bluff' cuz it's a small town and they can't afford to fight us over a 30' pc of property that no one except us can legally step foot on, it's not worth it to them, even if it's just to shut our neighbor up, they don't have the time or resources for something so, we'll see....wish me luck, lol...gonna take pics and post of my little garden soon...the fence goes up this weekend, it's picket and gonna get painted white. I can't wait!!!!


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