I'm done, I'm tired of it...it's old, it's drabby, blech! So, this is the porch when we first moved in (I've reworked it a lot since then, this was basically within weeks of moving in, but it gives you an idea of the layout): (well, couldn't find the porch pic I wanted, you'll just have to get the idea from looking at it from the front): yes, it looks like a huge house, but trust me, once inside, you realize how small it really is, lol
Ignore the driveway part of the house, lol I have nowhere else to put those gross trashcans,
but they've been moved to the very far corner at least, rather than in the middle like the pic shows. |
We added this screened door to it, love the fretwork. We like to have the air flow and smell the outdoors during pretty days, so this worked well! and the kitties seem to like it, lol
So, the low down on my porch is this: it's a half-wrap around, meaning it wraps to the side of the house and stops in the middle, with no outlet. The only outlet is that front opening you see. The width is not all that large. I have white wicker dining chairs, one on each side of the door, then in that small part you see on the left, I have a tall wicker dining table. I'd left the wicker dining table natural, but it's time for an update on that, too. I had an iron rocking chair, and painted it white when we moved in, and I have an iron and glass coffee table set between that rocker and a white wicker rocker. On the other side of that, are 2 white wicker arm chairs, behind one is an antique, heavy iron stool (painted and chippy, white). And in that far corner that you see on the right, set IN the corner toward the front, is a green iron and glass bistro set (again, time for an update). In the wrap around part, I have a vintage slat rocker, white iron (it doesn't have rockers on it, it's engineered that you can 'bounce' gently, which does the rocking), and an old wicker side table (natural). In the middle somewhere, I have white wicker plant stand. There you have it.
With all that, it does look cluttered, but as you can see, the style of house makes it easy to decorate it in an older farmhouse or Victorian style, which is what I was doing. So in all the seats are thick cushions and plump pillows, all from yardsales, mismatched, but within the same color scheme. I have some throw/toss rugs to soften the concrete (which I want to PAINT, but the hubs is afraid that in the future when we go to sell, it will deter buyers, ughhh...men!). Anyhoo...I have a bunny topiary on the wicker dining table (which is actually more like a larger bistro type table) that I got a yard sale for $4 and I LOVE, along with an adorable hydrangea wreath that my bestie made and didn't want anymore. On the little coffee table, I have a gazing ball set on the back of a cherub, a glazed terra cotta planter with faux greenery, and a cheap teacup with lace doily runner. Ok, so now you know what my front porch looks like...here's my plan...should be easy enough: make it NOT look like that, lol!
I've been scouring the net, mainly Pinterest (which you can follow me and my chic and shabby and cool boards) if you want, click the 'follow me on Pinterest' button on the right. I wanna do something !! ANYthing! The porch isn't very wide, which means I can't 'double' seating area like this:
but would LOVE to! Oh, that step stool reminds me, I have 2 wicker and rattan woven step stools that I slide under the front of the chairs.
I think I'll paint my iron bistro set white, and move it into the wrap around part, then pull the old white iron rocker into that corner, that way, there's less wind, which usually blows away/knocks over anything I have setting on that table.
The color scheme on the cushions is always red, and the pillows I usually pick up for a buck or three at yard sales and thrifty shops, usually have reds in it, but have flowers or chintz or something, which I always find cozy. When it's chilly or cold out, I have an old afghan tossed over the nearest wicker chair, which aids in the look of the comfy and softness, but I bring that in during spring and summer.
I'd LOVE to put a chandelier up (even a small one), but I can hear my hubs complaining now, ugh...so I'll stay away from that one. The sheers...aren't they so soft looking? I could do that, as well, but I wonder how often I'll have to launder them to keep them from mildewing or getting dirty and grimey from the wind and bugs and such? Maybe just in that far left corner next to the walk (like in this pic)?
The hydrangea wreathe I have now, I have leaning from the wicker bistro table onto the wall, but I plan on using siding clips and hang it on that side, which I think will help make it homey, as well.
I like the greenery this one has. I try to do that, as well. I have the resin wicker hanging baskets that I've put faux ferns that dangle (has to be faux, the house faces south, so much sun that not much will grow without lots of care and time), with faux pinkesh hydrangeas and...I forget the other flower. I have one hanging from a chain between each white pillar in the center and bring them in during fall and winter. I think I should add MORE greenery, like this one. In the spring and early summer, my porch has LOTS of flowers and greenery on it, as that's where I keep all that 'goodness' prior to planting them around the grounds, and kind of ends up looking like this:

but not in yellows, blech. More reds and pinks, and whites!
Since my porch faces out into the culdesac, it's not like we want to dine out there, we use the back deck for that, so a dining type seating area isn't needed, which is a big plus for decorating, I think. Hmmm...what about a burlap, bleached muslin look? with the cotton ticking for pillows and/or cushions? maybe in the reds and pinks that you see? Could easily be made from those types of dish towels, or those $5 remnants at Hancock Fabrics....hmmmm. Still thinking aloud. Any suggestions??
would LOVE to have this...
oh, AND, I want a new mailbox!!! When we moved in over 6 yrs ago, there was one of those fugly plastic Rubbermaid type mailboxes, and everyone that knows me, knows that I would NOT like that...and I don't! I want a basic metal mailbox, on a pole, that I can drape flowers over, garland during Christmas, and such...and if you have one of those plastic Rubbermaid ones, then you know that there's no way to do ANY of that to it, ugh!