I sure hope everyone who's reading this has a Dollar Tree around. What our world would be like without a Dollar Tree, I shudder to think, lol. Over the past year or so, I've been creating good sized emergency first aid kits for all 3 vehicles, plus one for each floor of our home...5 total. I've not spent a lot of money on them, but they're packed with perfect items that should always be at the ready. I thought I'd share how I did it, and mostly, how everything came from Dollar Tree!!
First, for the bags, these may be the only things you won't be able to pick up at Dollar Tree (sorry). For the vehicle start out with an insulated lunch tote. You may have one lying around the house. Maybe you or one of your kids use to take lunch/snacks to work/school and you don't use it anymore...perfect, use that. If not, try a cheap one from the Goodwill, yard sale, etc. Make sure the bags you use are zippered, that way you can lay the case down, and when you unzip it, you'll be able to see everything at a glance. If nothing else, use large quart slider-type zippered bags until you find a suitable sturdier bag for the job.
For the home, I used a couple of clear vinyl zippered bags that some products I received came in. One was from a set of curlers, another one was from a small quilted pillow (not the larger ones, they'll be too big), just something that's less than 10"-12" long, 8"-10" wide-ish, should work.
Now, for the collecting of items to put in it. When you're thinking of what to put in it, think of your family's needs. For example, I have a golden retriever that chews on her legs at times, and sometimes causes sores, so my downstairs kit has extra rolls of gauze wrap and pads, as well as the medicated creams from the Vet (and one in my car's kit, as well). Maybe you have a lot of poison ivy around, make sure you have alcohol and calamine lotion in your kit. As you go through the health aisle, think about what you use now, and what you might NEED if the circumstances arise. What's great about buying packages that have many of the same item in it, is that you can split it up into more than one emergency/first aid kit. Like the bandages and gauze below, 15 of each of the bandages, and 7 gauze pad in each of 2 kits.
These are all from Dollar Tree, perfectly fine quality for any emergency/first aid kit:

Don't forget scissors for cutting gauze and wrappings. Dollar Tree usually has 2 packs, whoop whoop! 2 for 1's we LOVE'em! NOT shown, but Dollar Tree DOES have, elastic bandages (ACE-type), which are handy have in a pinch, I usually keep 2 different sizes in each kit, both of which I've found at Dollar Tree.
Something that I've added to my kits, for some reason in my head, lol, emery boards...they have a LOT in one pkg, so be generous in each of your kits with them, they'll be useful, trust me lol. I've used mine to have my daughter file my dog's nails to keep her occupied while I doctor her legs up, lol you never know what you could use'em for. Cotton rounds, I buy one pkg and split it up between each kit, putting them in zippies, to use for alcohol or calamine lotion, etc.

For your car kits, add sunblock and after-sun care, just in case of a sunburn, plus other items that you may keep in your medicine cabinet for home use, but may also need in the car or while travelling at times:

Also, keep wet wipes of some sort, whether a baby wipe, antibacterial wipe, whatever. These are good to clean around wounds so you can see and treat them better, clean away debris on/around wounds, etc.

Ok, a couple of other things that I add that aren't shown here, but Dollar Tree DOES carry:
Tweezers (great for pulling splinters, debris, etc.). Calamine-type lotion, which is great for rashes, poison ivy, bee/bug stings, etc.
One thing that I add that Dollar Tree does NOT have, and you can generally find it at Walmart, and other pharmacy sections: Prid salve. Prid is a thick, blechy looking gunk, in a small tin, that you put on a splinter, sliver of glass, etc. that's embedded into the skin, no matter how far down (just put a tiny dollop of it on the location and then put a bandaid on it). The next day, take the bandaid off, wipe it clean, and voila, the embedded debris has miraculously been extracted. Don't ask me how it does it, I have NO idea, lol, but it works. I also put a small bottle of Ipacac and Mercurochrome (just in case), you could add Betadine instead if you'd rather, but it's usually in a bigger bottle. One other thing that you might want to include in your kits that you'll have to pick up at a different store, latex gloves. Dollar Tree carries various types of gloves, but none that are intended for medical use.
I add to my kits here and there, since we all know that Dollar Tree gets items, name brand, and more, periodically, that they haven't had or may never have again.
After you put them all together, sit back and look at what you've done for yourself and your family, in the way of being prepared, and count how much money you spent and saved creating them. For around $30 (with the items above), you've collected enough items to make at least TWO first aid/emergency kits tailored to you and your family's needs. And you have all the essentials needed. Of course, add other items as you like, take some away, etc. And also, you can add things from your stockpile (if you're a stockpiler) to help save money, add to it, etc., and feel free to pay for name brand products at another store, if you like. I just thought I'd share how easy it is to collect and create a first aid/emergency kit from items found at Dollar Tree! Create your kit to fit the needs of you and your family, just always remember the 'what ifs,' because as soon as you don't add that ONE item thinking you'll never need it, that's when you'll wish you had it....it's always better to be more safe than sorry.